
What I learned/found this week? - Week 22

I learned it before months, but good to mention it: Use highlighter for marking your completed tasks. - http://www.giftieetcetera.com/2015/05/to-do-to-done-4-ways-to-mark-completed.html

You can already download the diary inserts for 2016 from Philofaxy! http://philofaxy.blogspot.ch/2015/05/diary-inserts-for-you-to-download-and.html

And from My Life All In One Place. http://www.mylifeallinoneplace.com/2015/05/download-free-2016-diaries-for-your.html

That I need a new binder, ouch. http://www.kikki-k.com/leather-personal-planner-medium-why-not
Order placed...

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What is your Filofax personality?

I found this picture in the Filofax for Philofaxy Fans Facebook group, it is amazing! I asked permission to share. Find Phillis's blog here: https://thisismyrestday.wordpress.com/
So what type your are?
I'm between the Workhorse and the Explosion. An sometimes I want to have an Artiste, well Decorated planner.

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Free printable: monthly dividers to the 17 folders system

I hope, you have seen my new video(s) about the 17 dividers system. If not, watch it here!

Part 1

Part 2

I share with you now the dividers, what I created. Click on the picture to download!

How to use?

When your printer can print borderless, you can print the pages to A5 paper, but if not, choose A4. Print page 13 - if you wish on the other side. Print the labels too (page 14), cut them. Fold in half, and stick on the dividers. I recommend to laminate them, or use some thicker paper.

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What I learned/found this week? Week 22

You don't want something to do? The hardest part to start and the task is not so hard as you thought before. - http://timemanagementninja.com/2015/05/4-tips-on-doing-what-you-dont-want-to-do/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TimeManagementNinja+%28Time+Management+Ninja%29

Create storage for your Filofax from Project Life pockets! - http://happie-scrappie.blogspot.ch/2015/05/planners-from-project-life-pockets-to.html

What you have to know about planner fanatics - http://www.justhappy.me/?p=406

Break the rules! - http://homemakersdaily.com/planner-use-its-okay-to-break-the-rules/

If you decided to start a new habit, write the action in your planner as an appointment! http://zenhabits.net/determined/

The organizer blogger are unorganized! http://www.giftieetcetera.com/2015/05/how-to-become-organizing-blogger.html
O, how real! I think if you write stuff in the blog, it helps to make it clear in your mind, and simpler to make and not break (of course you will break, but not so much as you wouldn't blog...)

Schedule time in your day to deal with your "mosquitos". http://quovadisblog.com/2015/05/time-management-monday-dealing-with-mosquitoes/

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The big tab problem - solved!

I wanted an A-Z index to my A5 Info Filofax. I found only 2 letters per dividers, and on Amazon with german letters. And I also don't wanted to wait. But my tabs are too big. I want small tabs! But I find no small tabs.... And then! I found the solution: take scissor and cut it to half. Pffff. Index dividers: done. I took simple notepaper, I can write on them too.

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Inbox - in the planner???

What is an inbox?

The idea comes from the GTD system, in there you have to collect all the stuff you need to deal with - no matter it it trash, task, todo, or info material. Inbox (for me) is a place, where thing that has to be handle lands before I find it's place. What I mean about this "things"?
  • receipts
  • letters from school, maybe with events, or only with infos
  • notes written by me (someone else)
  • tickets
  • emails printed out
  • shopping list on a post it
  • etc

Where is the inbox, and how it looks like?

My inbox was for the first time only a pocket after the dashboard in my main planner. The pocket is very useful, because not every piece of paper can be punched. If you have no time/opportunity to punch the paper, or you don't want now to deal with it, place into the pocket.

After that I read in a blog (sorry, I don't remember any more) that she has some notepaper at the beginning of the planner to write notes quick down. And this is also an inbox. You write here your ideas, a todo list, or shopping list. And you will remove this note paper later, where it belongs in your planner!

More than one inbox? Oh, yes, I have more. As I decided to remove my calendar from my main planner to be simpler to carry on, when I'm out of home, I might write something in that smaller planner. That's why, that planner is an inbox too.

The inbox extensions

We have a chalkboard in the kitchen, there can all family members write what we have to thinking on. Mostly what to buy. If I'm cooking, I don't want to take my Filofax, I write on the board quick. When the board is full, I write everything to my planner on the right place.

My phone: if I'm driving I can make audio notes with a voice recorder in my phone (I have to remember - how hard it is!!!)

Why should you have an inbox?

Simplifies your life, minimize the distraction. If you have an inbox, that gives you the opportunity stay in your task on you are working, and leave you to decide later, what to do with that info. In my daily routine I have a task, called "clean up inbox". Every morning I'm looking through, what I have here, and I put away. Do your tasks, when you have time for it! Imagine a situation (happens with me often): I'm working on my computer. My daughter comes home, and gives me a letter from the school with lot of events for the whole quarter. Yes, I could punch it at the moment, and starting write the appointments into your calendar, but it makes no sense, remember: I'm working on something! It can also happen, that you don't know yet, where you should place that piece of paper, take your time to find the best for it. Or you are away from home, get a receipt. It is going to the inbox. At home you can put away, where you have your receipts.

Good luck! Later I will come back with a tutorial, how to create your own inbox pocket, because I don't like mine, I will do a new one :)

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What I learned/found this week?

I knew it before, only I need to remind me to make, because I always forget it:
"Clean as you go."

Not only I buy more than one binder in a year and at the end can't do too much with extra calendar inserts.

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Free printable: Daily/weekly/monthly review checklists

See my reviews videos on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSO54zLLVuaPyMUY_4RgDZlzNyWyWTBJL

I created a printable checklist for all. You can stick them on a Project Life card, or use as is, you might want also laminated.

Youtube video.

Click on the picture to download.

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Page marker with daily routine

I made this page marker after the idea from Kent from Oz. 

How it is built: I laminated a paper, same width as the inserts, and a little bit taller (6mm). I laminated a protector page without paper, and cut to the same height, and 6 cm wide. I took wash tape, and first I glued the two piece together, when the smaller was on the top of the larger (that leaves enough space between the two pieces). then I opened it, and used an other stripe of wash tape on the other side. My addition to it: I cut a piece  from the notepaper of the daily insert. I wrote my daily routine, and glued on the leaf that way, when I fold the marker, it matches to the notepaper insert. I can draw now my checkboxes there.

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One size down: Filofax personal with DIYFish 2.2 inserts

A5 was too big for me, to carry on also in the flat. I got this purple Filofax Domino in personal size on Facebook.

After a little hesitation I bought the DIYFish 2.2 inserts for May-July. We will see.

I moved to this planner only the planning section.

At the beginning I have my list:

Weekly foldable insert: I used the section at the top for my strategies, how I want to organize my time. At the bottom I have things I have to follow. (I asked something from my mother in law, I'm waiting for orders or money...)

The fold out system with month, week and day.

Daily page. I used here the top left for my "top 5 list", tasks from my declutter list, and for my daily blog/FB/Youtube post. Left bottom are the to do list, color coded, for work, family, and personal.

I used washi to mark the weeks, I love how it looks like!

I clipped together my future weeks with my home made clip.

See the corresponding video on YouTube:

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What I learned this week? - Week 19

I read such nice ideas every week in blogs, from now on I want to share with you the best!

Make an anti procrastination training every morning for 5-10 minutes. - by Leo Babatua

Use eraser as a stamp. Use stamp templates. - By Pam Perreault

Write your menu on a sticky note.

Don't procrastinate when you change your system, make it ASAP!

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Where do I find my inspirations for planning?


Flylady is a home care program, you can subscribe it, and get starting to build out your system. What I learned from that: 
  • having routines
  • plan for cleaning
  • you can do any not-liked-activities for 15 minutes - use your clock
  • you made your chaos over a long period, you can't remove that in a day, take your time
  • hot spot - work on them every day


Or Getting Things Done by David Allen. It is a book what I didn't read (yet), a system for completing your tasks. I read about it on the internet. Main things (it can be inexact):
  • get all todos in one place, called inbox
  • than sort out where they belongs (something I remember: by computer, calls, maybe/later)
  • you have to write micro actions what can be done (like call xy instead of organize a meeting) - they are doable steps, which help to accomplish the tasks. Called next action. (that would be for me not working, I have for one day maybe 50 things, what I'm doing, that would be a chaos)
  • review your progress monthly, weekly, daily basis
What I use from that:
  • inbox
  • reviews


Find the homepage here. But better google it, what it is exactly. It is builded to working on GTD. Core of the system:
  • you have 43 folders
  • 12 for each month
  • 31 for days
  • actual month is on the front, with actual day
  • when you clean up your inbox, you place the thing you have to working on to the day, when it is actual - if it is in the current month, or to the month if it is the upcoming.
  • at the morning you take out the folder of the day, and working on the things, they are in. the folder of the day at the evening goes to the next month folder. 
  • at the end of the month the month folder goes to the end.
I simplified this to my 17 dividers system, working with month end weeks.


I also browse a lot on the internet and read about time management, work efficacy, etc.
Videos on Youtube.

Blogs, what you should have to follow:

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